Revolution "POWER BLAST 4-8"
Wind range: 0-??? mph
...0-6 mph... Recreational flying
...6-20 mph Power flying
Some expert fliers have stated that they have buggied with this kite in winds ranging from 8 mph up to 50 mph winds!
NOTE: This is a kite for advanced power kite fliers! NOT for intermediate or beginner fliers!
The Power Blast is for experienced to expert Rev fliers only!
Revolution expands into power kiting with a completely innovative design that contains features and benefits not available in any other power kite. This is real breakthrough technology.
The Rev Power Blast 4~8m answers the traction needs of all power kite users including land, water, and snow riders. The Power Blast at 4 meters, has the equivalent power of a typical 8 meter foil kite. The power to size ratio is unsurpassed. The Power Blast provides traction on a hard surface in a wind range down to as low as 2 mph. To our knowledge, no other power kite can effectively function at such a low wind level. Essentially, with the Power Blast, you are never out of opportunity to enjoy your favorite power kiting activity. Not only does the Power Blast have the broadest effective wind range of any traction kite, it provides its power under your complete control.
With the Rev Power Blast it is not all or nothing when it comes to harnessing the power. Perhaps the most outstanding feature of the Power Blast is its ability to enable you to fly under complete control at all times. This means throttle control under any conditions, whereby you can dump all the power or only 80% of the power, or any fraction of the power to suit your situation. You have an infinite adjustment range to decelerate or accelerate on command. You are not controlled by the kite- youre in charge at all times.
This infinite control of the Rev Power Blast gives you a basis of safety confidence unsurpassed by any other power/ traction kite. The Power Blast wont pitch out when you find your kite flying directly overhead or behind. The Power Blast will commence a floating mode that turns into the wind, retightening the flying lines, thereby positively returning full control to you quickly.
Another amazing feature of the Power Blast is its ability to fly upwind with almost no drag. This provides significant advantages in a large number of competitive conditions. We dont believe any other traction kite can match the Power Blast in this regard.
When you are ready to fly- your Power Blast is ready to go in a few short minutes. The ease of set-up and take down and the short amount of time required to do so, provides you far more time to enjoy your favorite power kiting activity. The entire process takes a maximum of 15 minutes.
This compact, light-weight Power Blast package is convenience personified. Very portable, easy to store, and ready whenever you have only a little time and a little wind, The Rev Power Blast 4~8m will maximize your power kiting enjoyment as well as providing you exceptional value for your traction power investment. This is an exceptional product.
"Revolution POWER BLAST 4-8"
...Demo Kite in flight in 6 mph wind...
The Revolution Power Blast 4-8 comes complete with kite,
Deluxe Storage Bag, carbon fiber handles,
and a professional Training Video/DVD.
Reg. Price: $899.00
SPECIAL WSK Price: $764.00
$699.00... Kite Package without Line Set
Kite with Power Blast Handles,
Manual & Video
(line sold separately) see below...
LINE SETS Available:
with 300#/82' Prem Power Quad set add.. $100.00*
with 300#/100' Prem Power Quad set add $120.00*
(*lineset prices reflect an
$10.00 discount when purchased with Power Blast )
note**prices on PowerBlast is for
a limited time only, and accessory prices are good only when purchasing
a PowerBlast. Limit one special price per item, per customer.
E-mail Con Engels for pricing
on more than multiple Rev kite purchases!
Colors available:
Skill: Previous Rev experience a must!
Wind: 2-6 mph recreational.
Wind: 2-15 mph power.
Leading edge length: 140"
Height: 46"
Structure: Advantage Graphite "Rev Equipped" SLE.
Shipping Weight: 10 lbs.
Line Suggested: Spectra 300 lb., 75'or 100' length