Rembering David Davies...
I was greatly saddened to hear of David's passing. I had the honor of sharing many kite arenas with David in the UK and in the USA. We both had a common goal, which was to enjoy every minute doing what we both loved to do, that was to fly, and when there was no wind we would chat about our travels and experiences. I will surely miss him! But knowing when I am flying amongst the clouds and blue skies around the world I know for sure David will be looking down giving me the thumbs up sign and saying Good Stuff Ray, as he always did when he watched me perform.
Ray Bethell
Vancouver BC Canada
Con Engels & Ray Bethell at AKA 2007 Nationals
Photo by Kay Engelsiepen
I remember the first time I saw David Davies Skydancer kite being flown by Con Engels. It was love at first sight. Better yet Con let me fly one. For three years I flew the Skydancers whenever my path and Con Engels crossed. Finally I could write the check and a Skyhawk was mine. What a great thing David did for us inventing them.
God Bless you, rest in peace.
God Bless
Charles Stewart
NewYork NY, USA
High Spirits of 14B
I remember David as a Very Happy Guy that not only enjoyed flying kites but one who also came up with his own designs....which set him off from many of us....He was a Good man to know and am glad I had met Him.
Lee Sedgwick
Erie PA, USA
Lee & David at Ocean Shores WA, AKA Convention 1998
Thank you so much for sharing with me the passing of our friend and fellow kiter, Mr. David Davies.
I first met David at Wildwood, NJ at the AKA convention in the late 1990's or 2000. I too was taken by the beauty of his 4-line creation, with the 40 tails. David allowed me to try it and I was convinced to buy one.
At the AKA fly market, when I had decided to purchase a Skydancer, I ask David if he could build one for me in our National colors. David laughed and said, "They are my National colors, and of France as well, and yes, I have one with me". I have been flying my red, white and blue Skydancer ever since.
I will always remember David as friendly and fun to talk to. We all will miss him!
Al Ault
Bel Air MD, USA
Although I never had the pleasure to meet him personally, I feel a connection every time I bring out the Skydancers. There will always be a spot in my heart and the sky for David. I had the enjoyment of learning quad flying with David's Enigma Skydancer. There is no quad as unique, beautiful or fun to fly!!!
My 2nd Skydancer was a custom purple and white that my husband, Jay, wanted me to get to mark our 10th anniversary. Purple and white were our wedding colors. When it came in the mail I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. I still smile every time I see the bottom corner personalized and signed by David. When the tails are put on, the Skydancers never fail to get smiles and finger-pointing from people in the vicinity. It is a great gift and legacy that David has given to all of us.
I hope his family is warmed by the thoughts and memories kiters around the world share for David.
Tina Bushey
Belleville IL, USA
See more photos from Tina below...
PS from Tina: My kite club used photos of members' kites to create a stylized image to go with the official club logo. The stylized version used a Skydancer. (NOTE: This stylized image shown in the gallery below)
Thank you Tina, for the photos!
To me David was the Peter Pan of kites
Perennially young at heart and totally enthused with his passion for his designs. He was always thrilled to receive constructive criticism, and ever eager to consider new designs for his kites. He was, like his designs, unique and unforgettable. Personally he was generous and a truly entertaining character. Those who knew him well, will feel the light of the world noticeably dimmed by his passing.
Mike Armstrong
Dr Mike
A friend (fromCheshire, UK)
Skydancer Enigma, made by David Davies
(SkyWarrior graphics designed by Mike Armstrong)
Thanks, Mike! For Hosting David's home page for all those years!
I am very sorry about the passing of David, its a real loss for the kiting community.
Nelson Borelli
Woodstock IL, USA
Photo by Dave Shattuck - aka "geezer"
Nelson Borelli's "Hot Pink & Yellow" Skydancer (purchased directly from David Davies at a AKA convention)
Note: (from Dave Shattuck)... This shot, taken from the current issue of Kitelife shows Nelson Borelli on the right and Luis Claris Skoczdopole on the left. The third person in the middle is Gustavo Di Si, who was flying the Skydancer in demonstration for the other two men. The location is along Paseo de la Costa (literally, "The Road along the Coast") in Vicente Lopez, the suburb just north of the city of Buenos Aires. The water shown behind the subjects is the Rio de la Plata, which is a huge estuary that separates Argentina from Uruguay.
Note: (from Con Engels)... While at AKA convention in Gettysburg, Claris purchased a Black Rainbow Skydancer for Gustavo. Gustavo, is an accomplished multi-line, multi kite, and indoor flier. He has inquired about flying the Skydancer indoors. I look forward to helping Gustavo in his quest for indoor Skydancing!
I send sympathy & strength to you at the loss of a good friend!
Gayle Woodul
Marble Falls TX, USA
That is sad. His kites always brought a smile. My prayers are with him.
John Chilese
Las Vegas NV, USA
His kites have brought me many hours of enjoyment, and I have met new friends that I might have not met had it not been for his great kite designs.
Dave Cathey
Spring TX, USA
Photo of Dave flying his Skydancer
PS- from Dave (Regarding the above photo): That is one of my favorite photos of me. That kite is special since I bought it right after my Mother passed and somehow when I fly it, I feel she can see me flying it, so I give her a show.
(photo by John Chilese)
Thanks John, for the photo!
I put all 11 of David's kites together and arranged them in front of the picket fence that is in front of the house. It was fun to look at all the beautiful work that David did on my kites. He was a master of color combinations. My only regret was that I never bought a "Puff the Dragon" to go with the group. I am sad that he is gone, but very glad I sent him those pictures from AKA convention, so he could enjoy them.
Bill Schumacher
Alto MI, USA
Photo of Bill with all 11 of his kites, hand made by David Davies!
(Photo by Lynn Schumacher)
See more photos from Bill in the photo gallery below...
PS: (from Bill)- Just looked at the photo tribute page and the wonderful comments. It looks great !!!! The photos of your mom's kite were super. As the last kite David made, it tells the whole story about his talents in graphics and blending of colors. It was good for me to see all my kites together. I do remember each of them as being a unique extension of a top kite designer and builder. When they were all together, I was more than proud to be the owner of many one-of-a-kind. I do fly them only under ideal conditions and always tell anybody that will listen, about David.
I don't have a Skydancer but have always wanted one and have admired David's kites for many years. Several members of the WACKOS have Skydancer's and I really enjoy them every chance I get to see them. I am saddened by David's passing. His family will be in my prayers.
Eddie Sprouse
Charlotte NC, USA

Quote from KiteLife Magazine..."A true orginator in the world of kite design, David Davies invented one of the only quad line kites to be a completely different kite from the Revolution. Truly a joy to fly and now flown all over the world, this man will be missed by many." ... quote by David Hathaway.
Read the complete post on, by David Hathaway (editor of KiteLife Magazine, and member of the iQuad Team).
I remembered seeing someone flying Skydancers at the AKA Grand Nationals in Des Moines back in 2006, and the "show" the pilot put on for those who chose to watch. Glorious kites, a-burst with incredible colors, and quite attractive with their long, flowing tails. I remember walking over there and talking with the pilot for a moment, and commenting on what a nice sky-display they were.
Dave Shattuck - aka "geezer"
Vancouver WA, US
Photo by Kitelife (used by permission)
Jim Podlasek, Con Engels & Kay Engelsiepen
FlyMart AKA Convention 2006
I finally came across my shots of Dave and a few of his kites from AKA Treasure Island 2000. I remember Con introducing me to Dave as "that guy who was buying so many of his kites" and then Con went off to fly his 6 stack. Dave started pulling kites out of his bag, setting them up, and encouraged me to test fly them. After about the 4th kite, Con landed his stack, came over and said "Dave, you've been holding out on me". I hadn't realized that Con had never seen some of these kites he was letting me fly. My first Skydancer (Rainbow with tails) is still my favorite. I still am very protective of my Fearsome Hawk that Betsy finally gave me permission to buy. And I still marvel that her brother, who couldn't keep a Beetle in the air for 10 seconds was flying a Fijet prototype without the tail. Dave will long be remembered for his marvelous kites.
Rick Agar
Cincinnati OH, US
Photo of Rick's "Red Rainbow Skydancer"
Photo by Betsy Agar
See more photos from Rick & Betsy in the photo gallery below...
More memories of David will be posted as I receive them...
Want to share your thoughts about David and his kites? Please email me at